
#PizzaGate – YouTube Gags Journalists Exposing YT Pedophile Rings

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from End Times News Report:

#PizzaGate – YouTube Gags Journalists Trying to Expose YT Pedophile Rings


YouTube censorship is a big deal because the platform is essentially a search engine monopoly. YouTube and Google, both owned by Alphabet, are the largest search engines in the world. They are not just “private companies”.

They constitute a real corporate monopoly and their censorship and manipulation of information searches are detrimental to the public good. What we do with such monopolies is break them up – or regulate them as public utilities. The censorship of content creators based on our viewpoints is a frightening step toward total information control. We must take a stand and fight back!

Web Pages referenced in this video: Vidme: www.vidme.com/endtimesnewsreport
