
The Hurricane IRMA – 911 Observation

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from MrCati:

The Hurricane IRMA – 911 Observation


This report shows and discusses how Hurricane IRMA has the potential to be the Hurricane, that aligns with the historic date of Sept. 11, 2001 and NYC. Once again, the timing shows Hurricane IRMA as potentially coming ashore during the Sept. 11 time-frame. As a result of this timing and because IRMA is the 9th Storm of the Year, a caution alert is being made to keep informed about IRMA in our daily updates, as the storm progresses in the Atlantic Ocean. Background Sources and Links: IRMA HURRICANE UPDATE WEATHER MODELS NOW MOVING IRMA INTO NEW YORK CITY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSMgO… IRMA is now a Category 3 hurricane http://www.marketwatch.com/story/irma…


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