
Everything You Need to Know About Hollow Earth Theory

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from Global Explorers:

Everything You Need to Know About Hollow Earth Theory


As theories go, the idea that the Earth is hollow does not garner a lot of respect. For most people, the hollow Earth is probably a close second to the “Earth is flat” theory on that big list of “crackpot” ideas. Nevertheless, as long as there have been people able to sit around a campfire, tales of a mysterious inner world have been part of mankind’s heritage.

Unlike the flat Earth, the hollow Earth has not disappeared into that great dustbin of quaint and old-fashioned myths of our ancestors. No longer does anyone have stories to tell of angels taking them up on-high to view the flat Earth, but even into this modern age of spaceflight and personal computers, there are still claims of personal encounters with the lands and people of the inner world.

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