
“Emma” Part 2 – Married to an Elite Child Pornographer

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from Mellisa Honeybee Zaccaria:

“Emma” Part 2 – Married to an Elite Child Pornographer


Part 2 of Emma’s traumatic experience of being married to a sadistic child/bestiality pornographer working in elite circles.

All Names, Company Names, personal information and other identifying info has been redacted, cut out, and hidden to protect Emma and her children’s safety. Emma touches upon her incarceration after being attacked repeatedly by her husband. After finding out he had a few images of child porn on his computer, Emma called him out and he chased her up the stairs to attack her again, but this time, Emma wielded and shot her gun to deter him from beating her again and ended up facing a 2 year sentence. Emma also speaks about her young son’s involvement, Sony Capital Records, and Clinton Foundation connections, as well as the code words, tactics and deception used to cover up, discredit victims, and the Vault 7 technology that goes into the dark world of producing and protecting those involved in illegal child pornography.