False Flag
The Comet Ping Pong & White House Pentagrams
from MrCati:
The Comet Ping Pong & White House Pentagrams
This report shows and discusses the recent Comet Ping Pong shooter incident, that many, to include myself, consider to be a contrived govt. false flag event. The incident involving the Comet Ping Pong shooter is a mega-ritual event that locates the very center of a ritual X, and ritual pentagram, that will be shown and discussed. The discovered Comet Ping Pong Pentagram, is linked to the White House Pentagram by means of Connecticut Ave, that links both locations. It is also noted that great care has been taken to ensure that the Comet Ping Pong Pentagram is only located within the District of Columbia, DC.
Background Sources and Links:
The White House Pentagram consists of five points; Logan Circle; DuPont Circle; Washington Circle; Mount Vernon Square; and its southernmost point, The White House. Connecting these 5 points are Connecticut Avenue, Massachusetts Avenue, Rhode Island Avenue, Vermont Avenue, and K Street.
White House Broken Pentagram
The broken pentagram is used by black magicians to conjure up demons in order to control them for their selfish desires.
Recent Report regarding Comet Ping Pong