Hillary Clinton goes into hiding as cabal takedown continues

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from Benjamin Fulford, via ufoswlg:

Hillary Clinton goes into hiding as cabal takedown continues despite empty threats of nuclear war


World events are clearly heading to some sort of big turning point in the coming weeks as can be seen by many events in the news and in the secret world. What is going on is that two massive rival factions vying for control of world power are entering the final round of their titanic struggle to control the financial system and thus process of deciding what humanity does in the future.

The outcome looks certain to be the defeat of the Khazarian mafia cabal that has secretly controlled world power since at least 1913 and, in the West, probably for thousands of years.

In the news and in public we can see, for example, that US Democratic Party Presidential Candidate and senior Khazarian gangster Hillary Clinton has cancelled all public campaign appearances other than her scheduled debate (which may also be cancelled) with Republican Candidate Donald Trump.


Such a thing has never happened before in the history of US presidential elections and backs up claims by CIA sources the US elections will be cancelled.

However, it is clear the power struggle is still raging inside the United States with sources from one faction saying the election will be cancelled because one candidate (Hillary) will drop out. CIA sources connected to this faction still say the election will be cancelled, President Obama will resign and then Vice President Joe Biden will take over only to be quickly replaced by Hillary’s VP candidate Tim Kaine.

Read More @ BenjaminFulford.net
