
A Summary of the Rothschild Crime Syndicate in Israel

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A Summary of the Rothschild Crime Syndicate in Israel

by Alexandar Azadgan, TheEventChronicle:

There has been so much that has already been written about the Rothschild crime syndicate that for those who aren’t part of the Great Awakening/ Truth Movement, it simply gets confusing and overwhelming. It is my intent to unravel that in this article and to speak to common people and not just the intellectual elite.

I begin, I want to emphatically state the following: To those freemasonic architects of control whose aim has always been to lie and confuse the masses by muddying the truth, let it be clear that what I am about to discuss is NOT a “conspiracy theory” – a pejorative they commonly use when they crave to assassinate articulate debate. No, we are academics; we are not interested in “conspiracy theories”. However, we are very much interested in conspiracy facts! And may I remind you of the old Christian saying that the biggest trick the devil has ever pulled [throughout human history]was to convince the masses that he doesn’t exist. With that preface in mind, I now get into the crux of the matter.

For approximately 250 years, the multi-faceted Zionist Rothschild crime family, with its prototypical Luciferian, anti-Christian, globalist aspirations, has desired to intertwine and morph itself into the global financial power structure as well as the mass brainwashing apparatus that we now call the controlled western mainstream media.

And up to now, they have mainly succeeded. But in the last two decades or so, albeit slowly but surely, things are finally turning against them, thanks primarily to the general global awakening movement facilitated through an unprecedented proliferation of knowledge, courtesy of the information technology revolution.

If we aim to truly expose the satanic Illuminati agenda and the New World Order mechanism that has been in making for centuries, then we must arm ourselves with the up-to-now hidden facts of not just the version of history that has been taught to us in our mainstream, so-called educational systems, but instead turn to the alternative, hidden version of history which used to only be known in various occult circles throughout the world, especially the Western so-called civilization. And it is nearly impossible to delve into such matters without stumbling into the name Rothschild. Yes, information was always power.

George Orwell put it best in his legendary book, 1984: “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” The Rothschilds are what I call the ultimate, obsessive-compulsive architects of control – so meticulous that there has been few examples in history.

Note: Do not be alarmed by the word “occult” which literally means, “that which is [or has been) hidden”. By shedding light on the matter, this up-to-now hidden knowledge will no longer be occultic but apparent and self-evident. Hence we take away its occultic mystique and diabolic nature. Let us be comported by the Word of God as delivered through Apostle John:

“The light shines in the darkness, yet the darkness has not overcome it”

JOHN 1:5.

Here are some brief and on-the-surface facts about the Rothschilds:

In 1917, the British arm of the Rothschilds crime syndicate effectively arm-twisted and forcibly lobbied the British Government to promise to grant them Palestine in exchange to getting the United States to get involved in Word War I on the side of Britain and thus ensure British victory over Germany, et al. Thus the Balfour Declaration was created. This was a one-page official letter (business executive summary style) from the British Foreign Secretary at the time Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild stating the following: “His Majesty’s government views with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this objective.”

Arthur James Balfour

There was a big problem with this scenario: Palestine was never Britain’s to grant away. It rightfully belonged to the Palestinian Arabs who had dwelt there for centuries – approximately 2000 years to be exact! In walked in the Rothschild Zionists, usurping their way in as usual since this has been their traditional method for time immortal. Slowly but surely, they started to brutally and forcefully evacuate the land and take over. In the past several decades, the Zionists have murdered and victimized millions of Palestinians. They are still committing genocide to this day with the full blessing of Washington of course.

According to English historian Simon Schama, the Rothschilds own 80% of what they have opportunistically called “Israel” – a blasphemy unto itself according to the true Torah Judaism which correctly believes (according to the Judaic biblical understanding) that after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. that a nation of Israel can ONLY be assembled by the Messiah himself and absolutely by no earthly authority.

The creation of the Zionist State of Israel was massively unjust right from the beginning: an entity conceived in treachery and justified vis-à-vis the evil of the burnt offering, otherwise known as the Holocaust. This profound inequity continues to breed conflict today, as has been the case all along. It is no exaggeration to state that the founding of this Rothschild Zionist state itself, along with the blind and absolute ideological and financial support by many in Washington, may dangerously be a precursor to World War III, as we are all witnessing this possible trend in the Middle East.

It’s hard to fathom that this puny Rothschild Zionist-created state which measures no more than 8019 square miles – all of it illegal and stolen of course – practically controls the Middle Eastern foreign policy mechanisms of the governments of the US, the UK, Canada, France, and many others. Apparently for now, size doesn’t matter. What matters is that the Rothschilds have always been fully behind this Frankenstein golem. In fact, they are the Frankenstein itself.

At any rate, here are some facts about the broad spectrum of the power of the Rothschild crime syndicate:

The Rothschilds own the Reuters and the Associated Press (AP), the two biggest news media agencies in the world which naturally have stayed subservient to their master’s propaganda talking points. The Rothschilds also have a controlling share in the Royal Dutch Oil Company, the so-called Bank of England, LBMA (London Bullion Market Association), the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank (ECB), IMF, World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements. The Rothschilds also have ownership of the majority supply of actual physical gold in the world. They own the London Gold Exchange which sets the price of gold every day! It is estimated that the Rothschilds own over half of the wealth of the entire planet – estimated by Credit Suisse to be $231 trillion which is controlled by the 85-year old Evelyn Rothschild, the current head of this crime family.

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