POKEMON GO Linked to CERN : Birth of the Augmented Reality MATRIX

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from C. Ervana:

666 POKEMON GO Linked to CERN : Birth of the Augmented Reality MATRIX


Pokemon Go is the new fad spreading across the world. The game has become larger than many long-running websites in just a few weeks. What’s behind all of the Pokemon Go rage?

I believe Pokemon Go is conditioning us for what is coming at CERN, the opening of a portal and the birth of matrix, fully realized and integrated. This is called the “5th Dimension.” We know that the Large Hadron Collider has been actively hunting for the 5th dimension for a long time now. It is hypothesized that gravitons can leak through our four dimensions of space and time and into the fifth. I have warned about this agenda in my videos.

Pokemon Go directs players to see and interact with a www hallucination. This is a part of the new augmented reality field of online interactive applications that allow a person to enter a whole new world they have never seen before. No longer is the matrix trapped behind a screen; Now, people all over the world are interacting with the matrix and its hallucination. I have treated hundreds of people with mental health anomalies in the course of my practice. ARG and the augmented reality environment is an artificial creation, a lying sign, and is extremely dangerous to people’s mental health. One such player of Pokemon Go documented that she almost went insane playing the game, and had to stop for the sake of her mental health. She called Pokemon Go the “opening of the Gates of Hell.”

Pokemon Go is not the first entry into augmented reality genre. It was preceded by another ARG called Ingress. Ingress is about opening portals and ushering in something called “exotic matter.” The storyline of Ingress begins at CERN, where physicists have found that portals are opening up around the world and exotic matter is coming in. Behind these portals is an “alien force” that is offering a promise to assist humanity through the next stage of evolution.

Pokemon Go and Ingress have changed our basic perception of reality already by expanding the territory to include new visual, tactile, and auditory stimulation. Normally, doctors treat people who have diseases where they see, hear, or touch hallucinations, however Niantic and Google are actually encouraging people to participate in the hallucination that they have built on the world wide web, birthed at CERN in 1989.

The agenda is about bring you into the matrix and will eventually involve hardwiring your body, your flesh and blood, and introducing it into the www. This will be mandatory in the future. Everybody must be brought into the www. Nobody will be allowed to refuse it. What better an idea than to use a children’s cartoon to condition us to become united with the matrix.

Let us understand now, Yeshua is the Lord. Many on Youtube are now turning against Him in these end times, denying that a person must be born again. Some have even said that the Bible has changed because of Mandela Effect and that it now instructs us to worship the Antichrist. This shows how late we are, how the end times is upon us, how the Tares are being separated from the Wheat. Those who are lukewarm are falling away, and this will accelerate. Yeshua promised He would spit lukewarm Laodicean Church out of His mouth. We also know that the Elohim will send a strong delusion to people who do not love the Truth. They will believe the lying signs and wonders of the Antichrist, who comes in accordance with Satan (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). My brothers and sisters, this is happening right now on Youtube! I am praying for you all, that the Lord will preserve you until He comes.

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