False Flag
Orlando Pulse FRAUD – Preparing Us For Widespread “ISIS” False Flag Attacks
from How I See It, via TruthMediaRevolution:
Another mirror from HowISeeTheWorld. He’s doing a great job on this one and everyone should see his work. Channel Link-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85F… (LINKS & SOURCES BELOW)
The Alex Jones Channel vid, Paul Craig Roberts on Orlando: http://bit.ly/28MJsbD
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: http://bit.ly/28Kb9iL
The Alex Jones Channel, New Evidence of Multiple Shooters (ugh): http://bit.ly/295urih
TRUNEWS, vid, Missing Orlando Massacre 911 Audio: http://bit.ly/292zZvg
Broadcastify: http://bit.ly/1STYHuo
Zero Hedge, DOJ Will Censor All References To Islamic Terrorism from 911 Call Transcripts:http://bit.ly/1QefgX8
FOALENG LOWE Rene vid, The Kelly File. “Audio of [Omar] Matten…”: http://bit.ly/292AENh
CNN vid, How Orlando unfolded as seen via texts…: http://bit.ly/28Uu7VC
USA Today, How The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Unfolded: http://bit.ly/28QHju8
ABC News, “Orlando Will Be Repeated”: http://abcn.ws/28Mq3oE
Freedom Outpost, ISIS to Activate Thousands of Sleeper Cells in 2016…: http://bit.ly/28YyPCd
Superstation 95 News, Orlando Hospital Staffers being Forced to sign NON-Disclosure Agreements:http://bit.ly/23jnakb
Memory Hole Blog, Bernie Suarez’s MUST-READ article, “Medical Impossibilities, Wild Ethics And Protocol Violations Now the Norm in Today’s False Flag Events: http://bit.ly/28S1FAg