
Illuminati Advertising Warns: Time To DIE! …The End Justifies The Means

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from theJonathanKleck:

VIDEO: Trust us, THIS one is worth watching. PLEASE, watch it all.

The globalist powers that control the world from behind the scenes, often referred to as the Illuminati, would never dare telegraph their devious, Satanic agenda in television commercials, would they?  I mean, c’mon, this is purely the domain of the most insane “conspiracy theorists”.  Well, You Tube’s Johnathan Kleck has made a name for himself by showing various disturbing images woven into Federal Reserve notes, and his latest foray into the significance of the Arch of Traiumph (Arch of Ba’al) is certainly worth your time. But in this installment, Kleck ties it all together with a commercial that contains imagery from 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing and more – all of which leads Kleck to conclude, the destruction of New York City has already been planned. It’s just a matter of time.  Jump to 4:25 in this video to see the commercial. If it doesn’t upset you, it should at least make you think.