Peter Van Buren on Hillary’s Crimes…. The Emails

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from Ryan Dawson:

VIDEO: Peter Van Buren and Ry discuss Hillary Clinton’s private server e-mail and darker potential threat they pose.
The excuses Hillary has made do not hold up. The defenses of ignorance, of over classification, or unmarked documents, or classified and “classified” all fall apart. What she did was dangerous and of poor judgment which could have already created great damage to the United States and could be sitting as prime blackmail should she become the next president.
Peter Van Buren is a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Department of State who has blown the whistle on their mismanagement and waste in regards to rebuilding Iraq.
Get Peter’s book We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People (American Empire Project) And also Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99 Percent
link to books http://www.ancreport.com/podcast/pete…