UFO’s Around Our Sun, Ancient & Natural Stargates, Aliens Communications & Earth’s Death Star
I said at the start of the year that I felt space news and disclosure type topics would feature highly this year, and I certainly havent been left disappointed. I have put together a video giving my thoughts on various stories that are doing the rounds at this time and will include the articles that inspired the discussion so that you can look and decide for yourself. Its important to remember that when I make any claims or lay out any theories, that I am at best an amateur enthusiast and in no way saying that I have any shred of an idea as to what is actually going on, and I post this to encourage free thought and respectful discussion. So, with that being said, lets get into it!
First up I take a look at a phenomenum that has been around for as long as I have looked into space anomolies etc, and that is the strange objects that appear around the sun from time to time.
These “objects” show up on the various satellites that monitor the sun for solar activity, including the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and have always caused much debate on the internet as to what they may be.
One that I remember best from 2012 was a large circular object that seems to be drawing energy from the surface of the sun. Consider the size of the sun, and the object beside it is MASSIVE! It would dwarf even our planet in terms of size!
As you can see in the image on the right, there appears to be a filament coming up from the surface of the sun, and then there appears to be some kind of object, possibly cloaked, obstructing the natural flow of heat/energy being emitted from our sun.
What do you think it is?
I think it could well be some kind of energy transfer to a cloaked craft.
Some even suggest at the time that we may be seeing a Star Wars Death Star style of craft harnessing the energy of our sun for its own purposes.
More on Death Stars as we move on!
The most recent of these “sightings” has even made the main stream.
The Daily Mail reports…
The sun’s light and heat keeps our planet alive and a Martian researcher believes UFOs are actually controlling how much is released to Earth.
A YouTuber and ‘UFOlogist’ has spotted what he claims to be numerous UFOs traveling around the sun this week in images sent back from the Solar Heliospheric Observatory.
And this might not be their first trip around the sun, as Russian scientists have claimed to have seen the same event ‘six to seven’ years ago.
‘People should know the truth that hides Nasa,’ Myunhauzen writes underneath the video on his YouTube channel.
The video was released to the public yesterday and shows images with strange green lit objects floating around the bright glowing ball of gas.
As I state in the video, i have many differing ideas as to what the attraction our star may hold to alien craft, or those in the secret space program. For me, its harnessing the energy required for deep space travel, perhaps even to open wormholes? This might not be as ridiculous as it first sounds. There are literally hundreds of reports of UFO activity around active volcanoes right here on earth, with some appearing to fly right through the hottest parts and even on occasion diving straight into them not to reappear. We obviously struggle to comprehend a craft of any descripting being able to with stand the heat, but that is because we are thinking about it from a stand point of the physics that govern us here on earth, but are these universal rules? We are assuming that nothing could withstand the heat and pressures involved, but these craft are “alien” in nature and could be made of materials we are unable to even imagine at this time.
Could the sun actually be a natural stargate?
Talking of stargates, I came across an amazing story just the other day concerning a potential pyramid style structure similar to that seen on the Giza Plateau in Egypt, only this one was in…. ANTARTICA!
According to Vicente Fuentes, a vivid researcher, there is in fact, at least, one pyramid hidden beneath the vast sheet of Ice on Antarctica. According to Fuentes, the satellite image could prove to be the ultimate evidence of a pyramidal structure located on the main ridge of Antarctica. This would mean that in the distant past, when Antarctica was much different than it is today, ancient civilizations could have developed on the now-frozen continent, leaving behind marvelous constructions, telling the story of a time, when our planet was inhabited by different civilizations, at a completely different time, omitted by history and mainstream researchers.
In the video, Fuentes goes through the main characteristics of the Pyramid and other structures that could be located on the vast sheet of ice, making comparisons to the Great Pyramid of Egypt.
Check out the coordinates of the anomalous structure: 79°58’39.25″S / 81°57’32.21″O
There is so much we do not know about Antartica that should actually raise a red flag to the possibility there is something down there that the ELites dont want us to see. Remember, the Nazi’s were very interested in the South Pole, and our good friend and regular guest Dr Richard Alan Miller told us that during his time working in the world of Black-Ops, he actually visited a Nazi base complete with 19 berths for submarines. Also, look into Admiral Bird and his trip to the poles! Much woo for your consideration!
A mysterious, repeating, signal has been detected that has astrophysicists scratching their collective egg-heads as to just what the source may be. Fast Radio Burst’s, or FRB’s, we detected 10x over June and July last years. The Express reports…
Last week, scientists managed to trace a mysterious radio flash that they received in 2007 back to a distant galaxy.
Only 17 of the fast radio bursts (FRBs) have been detected, including 10 over June and July last year.
It had been thought that the mysterious bursts – which are extremely intense and last just a millisecond – comes from two ultra-dense neutron stars colliding and that it a one of flash which emit as much energy in a second than the sun does in 10,000 years.
However, they have now discovered that the bursts are repeating, causing more of a stir in the scientific community as it seemingly disproves the neutron theory and opens the way to the potential of alien origin.
James Cordes, an astronomy professor at Cornell University, said: “We’re showing that whatever battery drives FRBs, it can recharge in minutes.
So, is E.T. phoning home to Earth? Well I dont know if thats the case on this occasion but it just adds to the woo that is unfolding all around us at this time. I tend to think that alien civilizations, if technologically more advanced than us, would have ditched radio signals and communications that we would be akin to here on earth in favour for either quantum communication devices, or the more natural, totally organic, telepathy? Just thoughts.
We really need to stop thinking about aliens and ufo’s as if they are governed by the same sciences we know of here on earth. We think we have the complete picture when it comes to physics, yet in reality, the fact of the matter is that we actually know very little. Indeed, the best and the brightest ever to walk this earth have left there theories by which we live our lives today and accept as scientific fact, but the clue is in the name… they are merely theories. Most of science isnt reproducable in laboratory conditions, and this means we dont even have theories, instead merely hypothesis’! A hypothesis, or an idea, doesnt become a theory until you can scientifically test whatever it is you are putting forward. Think of Black Holes – many like to think that we have confirmed their existence long ago with Dr Hawking being amongst those being credited for the discovery, but in reality they are still just a figment of our imagination!
Have we ever physically seen a black hole?
Last but not least on this journey of the Woo is the news that scientists are looking to build a mini-Death Star to protect us from asteroids and other Earth bound objects. I mean, come on, what could possible go wrong? Right?