Evidence of NASA’s Mars Rover Deception — Part 1

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from ZxrAlienWarrior:

Here’s the LINK TO PART 2!

VIDEO: Please visit Richard D Hall’s website RICHPLANET.NET http://www.richplanet.net … to see all his past shows, and so much more, covering all types of alternate issues that the mainstream refuses to acknowledge.
In part 1 of this show Richard discusses a hypothesis that the Mars exploration rovers currently claimed to be on Mars, never left the Earth. Several landers and rovers have allegedly landed on the surface of Mars starting in 1976 with the Viking mission. Before you dismiss this, Richard suggests you study all the evidence put forward in the hypothesis. Several photographs which can be found on NASA’s own website claiming to be taken from Mars show objects commonly found on the Earth such as an arctic lemming, a lump of wood and a walrus arm bone to name just a few. Andrew Johnson and Douglas Gibson discuss the compelling evidence which could point to one almighty HOAX! The programme will continue next week when more evidence will be put forward and discussion as to why it might have been done. Download the hypothesis from this link. http://www.richplanet.net/rovers.php