
Fukushima: EL Nino LIE EXPOSED – Sea Lion Pups Dying Fast

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from kevin blanch:

VIDEO: https://www.gofundme.com/sdc76s Avant-garde on balco,, kevin D. blanch, Avant-garde on CHEMO, kevin D. blanch FU-ktonium 801-452-1908;; BAFFLED PUZZLED MYSTIFIED STUMPED fake liar Marine biologist BREAKS RANKS, one of the NUCLEAR CARTel$ PAID WHITE COATS breaks ranks, “Historically, El Niño events such as the one California is experiencing now caused pup production to plummet. But three years ago, something changed. It wasn’t an El Niño season, and births were very low. Something else was going on.https://youtu.be/MVOu_WBiInU
“The ecosystem changed,” Lowry said. “Those poor animals are having a really hard time right now.”

At the exact moment At the exact moment Carolina Panthers ARE LOSING THE SUPER BOWL, THERE IS AN EXPLOSION IN THE NORTH CAROLINA REACTOR http://www.wwaytv3.com/2016/02/07/ele…LOSING THE SUPER BOWL, THERE IS A EXPLOSION IN THE NORTH CAROLINA REACTORhttp://www.wwaytv3.com/2016/02/07/ele…