
DARK UNIVERSE: Top CERN Scientist Accidentally Identifies the Year 2015

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from C. Ervana:

VIDEO: Dr. Tara Shears speaks at a TEDx Talks forum about Dark Matter, anti-matter, and the potential for discovery of dark particles in 2015. She starts out with a definitive statement “2015 is the…” then changes to “may provide the answer.” It seems like she was pointing out that 2015 would be the year of discovery of dark particles. This would make sense with another top CERN scientist who said Dark Matter would be discovered “as early as September.”

Keep in mind that, according to physicist David LaPoint, “dark matter” and “dark energy” do not exist, and CERN might have another purpose…

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Clips from:
TEDx Talks- Why antimatter matters | Professor Tara Shears | TEDxLiverpool Click here for original video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR6Ri…