Dollar Ponzi

Why The US Dollar Will Collapse — Peter Schiff

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from Stefan Molyneux:

VIDEO: Is the United States economy recovering – or are we being lied to by the mainstream establishment? Why has Gold recently hit a five year low despite long term predictions of it’s rise in value? Are the government statistics on inflation accurate? What does the future hold for the US Dollar? Why has the Dollar strengthened and how will this play out in the long term? What does Peter Schiff think about Donald Trump and his recent success in the Republican presidential primary?

Also Includes: China economic situation, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index collapse, Puerto Rico debt default, gold repatriation, physical vs. paper gold holdings, the student debt bubble, the new real estate bubble, more quantitative easing, interest rates and what happens if you raise the minimum wage to $70,000 per year.

Schiff Gold:
Schiff Radio:
Euro Pacific Capital:

Peter Schiff is an economist, financial broker/dealer, author, frequent guest on national news, the host of the Peter Schiff Show Podcast, the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and the Chairmain of Schiff Gold.