SECRET Underground Bases — Mary Joyce
from Inception Radio Network:
The resolute seeker of truth, René Barnett of NightVision Radio follow Mary Joyce’s navigational maps that contain marked sites of military bases buried within the Appalachian mountains.
MARY JOYCE has worked for two major metropolitan area newspapers as a writer, columnist, artist, Sunday magazine editor and feature editor. On the side, she’s written magazine articles and five other books. Currently she is editor of the Sky Ships over Cashiers website which features cutting-edge topics. She also has worked for the world’s largest private printing company, a major metropolitan air pollution control agency, a community college and political campaigns. Her career includes working for a Fortune 100 company coordinating art and printing for talking children’s books. In that capacity, she worked directly with many creative teams including those at Marvel Comics, Golden Books, Mr. Rogers, Berenstain Bears and Steven Spielberg’s “ET” book staff.