Jade Helm Objective: Reduce Administrative Delays in KILL CHAIN

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from Dave Acton Checking In:

The implications of the Army’s unified approach to operational testing, acquisition and deployment are clear. Capability Set 13 will give Soldiers a significant advantage over adversaries by enhancing their situational awareness, improving maneuverability, speeding decision cycles and connecting Soldiers at the lowest level with one another and their higher headquarters.



As the Army continues to incrementally modernize the network and fields the follow-on CS 14 to additional units, including BCTs from the 82nd Airborne Division, this training concept will give Soldiers more time to learn the new systems and capabilities and maximize their effect. The right mix of technology and training will continue to evolve as the Army works to simplify the network, making it easier to use, train, maintain and sustain.

Why is this important to the Army?

A globally responsive, regionally engaged Army requires an advanced, mission-tailorable tactical network to enable expeditionary operations, especially as our adversaries benefit from rapid progress in commercial communications technologies. Implementing the Network Modernization Roadmap will allow the Army to fill known capability gaps and make the fundamental improvements to network functionality that will ensure that the American Soldier remains the most discriminately lethal force on the battlefield.