
WARNING: Satanists “posing as Christians” on You Tube

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from Round SaturnsEye:

Legion in a cloak of light: A warning for all fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. There are satanists posing as believers in order to influence your mind and subvert you away from the true Messiah and toward the coming ‘light deception’ of Lucifer. This also involves attacking channels that promote salvation and exposure of the occult, whilst wearing a ‘believable’ Christian mask to destroy the work being done for our Father of Life’s kingdom in Jesus Christ the Messiah.

Please use your God-given discernment and do not fall into the snares being set out: the snares of self-worship, of sin tolerance or liberation, of a false “enlightenment”, or a golden age of Gaia posing as the real return of Christ. Jesus did NOT come to bring a one world age of peace on earth but the division of the world to bring a redemption for you from it.

The “illuminati” video shown at the end is a prime example of what many will perceive as satire (satyr) used by the joker as yet another form of programming and mind control towards what is ultimately a serious proposition.