“We’ve Got To Start Rigging The Gold Market”
by Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics, via Silver Doctors.com:
In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold[FDR1934]. If everyone decided, for example, to convert all his bank deposits to silver or copper or any other good, and thereafter declined to accept checks as payment for goods, bank deposits would lose their purchasing power and government-created bank credit would be worthless as a claim on goods. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. – Alan Greenspan, “Gold and Economic Freedom” 1966
GATA has sourced a speech given in 1981 by the President of the BIS, Jelle Ziljstra, at the IMF headquarters in 1981 in Washington, DC in which he advocated Central Bank intervention in the gold market in order to control the price and prevent gold from competing with a global system which was based on paper fiat currency:
“I feel it is necessary for us, within the Group of Ten and Switzerland, consider
ways to regulate the price of gold…” – Jelle Zijlstra
The “Group of Ten” are the Central Banks of France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada plus Switzerland. As everyone knows, the BIS is the Central Banks of global Central Banks and therefore controls – de facto – global monetary policy. Here’s a link to the speech – there can be no questions that Central Banks – through their agent “bullion” banks (primarily JP Morgan, HSBC, Scotia, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Citibank, Barclays and UBS) – make a concerted effort to limit the upward price movement of gold.
That day the U.S. announced that the dollar would be devalued by 10 percent. By switching the yen to a floating exchange rate, the Japanese currency appreciated, and a sufficient realignment in exchange rates was realized.Joint intervention in gold sales to prevent a steep rise in the price of gold, however, was not undertaken. That was a mistake. – Paul Volcker, “Nikkei Weekly” Nov. 15, 2004 (original incident on February 12, 1973)
Below are couple graphs from the St. Louis Fed website, with my commentary, to put Zijlstra’s speech context.
The Fed discontinued reporting M3 in March 2006. The excuse was that M3 was too expensive to compile and report. This is in the context of the Fed spending millions to fight all attempts by Congress to authorize a full audit of the Fed. The U.S. is the ONLYindustrialized country which does not report M3. Make no mistake, M3 is the most accurate – though not completely accurate – measure of the money supply. Any honest economist will admit that.
Note the difference in the level of M3 vs M2 when M3 was discontinued. M3 shows that the money supply was nearly $4 trillion higher using M3 at the time M3 was discontinued. Nothing happens by accident and it’s no coincidence that M3 reporting was discontinued a little more than 2 years before the Great Financial Crisis and the advent of Bernanke’s “QE.” Many of us saw the financial collapse coming in the early 2000’s – certainly the price of gold “saw” it. If we did, I can guarantee that the BIS and the Fed saw the collapse coming and the need to flood the system with dollars to keep it from collapsing and destroy the elitists’ ability to confiscate wealth and control the western world.
IF the Fed were to report M3 now, how high would the U.S. money supply truly be?
This second chart above shows the parabolic, hyperinflating growth of U.S. Government debt. Note that the growth in Treasury debt did not start taking off until after Nixon closed the gold window. It started to rise a little more quickly after 1981, when Volker began to ease up on monetary policy. The rest is history, but note that issuance of Treasury debt goes parabolic after Bernanke began to flood the banking system with money.
It was shortly after the Bernanke Money Floodgate opened that gold almost broke through $2,000 per ounce before the BIS/Fed was able to get control of the price and push it lower using Comex and LBMA paper gold, which can be printed in unlimited quantities as long as counterparties do not demand delivery of the underlying gold.
In other words, the U.S. dollar-based global monetary system is one massive paper fraud and gold is the arch-enemy of a system based on fiat paper currency. The only way it has been perpetuated this long is through the outright intervention in the gold market by the BIS and western Central Banks.
Like ALL Government interventions in history, this too shall come to an end – an end that will be painful for all of us.
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