ISIS Psyop Continues With “Counter Terror” Blackwater Commander
by Bernie Suarez, Activist Post:
In the latest installment of the ISIS show the newest CNN report is pulling out a new storyline. The latest script now admits that a major Blackwater operative is an ISIS “counter-terror commander” leader training ISIS and sharing his combat secrets with them. Yes, the new ISIS psyop script is actually being spun in a way that the script writers are now admitting (one story at a time) that ISIS fighters are part of U.S.’s Blackwater. This is a way to admit that the U.S. continues to train ISIS, while at the same time maintaining the psyop. As usual, they are pretending this happened out of sheer coincidence and bad luck.
Why the change of script? Because it is now common knowledge amongst anyone not plugged into the CIA’s mainstream media that the West and its allies created ISIS; and in order to buffer and dodge future stories showing the connections, they are feeding the “crossover” and “defecting” narratives. Thus, anyone caught fighting for ISIS in the future who has clear ties to Israel or the U.S. can be disavowed as “defectors” (think plausible deniability!)
When the ISIS show began in the summer of 2014, many of us including yours truly were suspecting that at least some of the ISIS members are probably Blackwater (aka Academy, XE) continuing their terrorism of the Middle East under the control of course of U.S./Israeli Intelligence. Blackwater terrorists after all were the perfect foot soldiers in the U.S. occupation in Iraq; Iraq is essentially the birthplace of the Islamic State, Blackwater terrorist mercenaries are criminals that operate outside the law. Everything seemed to fit, the marriage seemed to be made in heaven. Well now we know for sure thanks to the latest CNN report which essentially admits that this is the case.
The new ISIS show script says that Gulmurod Khalimov, a special forces commander from Tajikistan, “disappeared” since April of 2014 and of course now has resurfaced with brand new pledged allegiance to the Islamic State! Coincidence? It gets better. The report claims that-
Gulmurod Khalimov is perhaps the highest-profile defector from the majority-Muslim ex-Soviet republic in central Asia.
The convenience of this supposed Blackwater Russian-speaking defector with super James Bond skills cannot be overstated. With this latest ISIS psyop CNN report we are asked by U.S./Israel Intelligence to believe that this super skilled killing machine operative is not only siding with ISIS, but for good measure he’s planning and training for ways to attack America and (the report implies) he and his trained ISIS fighter friends will come and get you in your city dwelling place wherever you live!
Above and beyond all of this, the report is careful to insert anti-Russian propaganda directly into the script. The suggestion in this latest episode is that there is a growing allegiance somehow building between Russia and ISIS! CNN is careful to show you the usual HD super high quality ISIS marketing-style videos, showing you ISIS fighters training, winning and being great. Even the background music is proper Middle Eastern style, perfect background that makes ISIS seem even greater and more intimidating.
As I’ve indicated in the past, no entity on the planet has received more promotion and marketing than ISIS at the hands of the Western CIA-controlled mainstream media. This promotional and marketing campaign has been very aggressive and has spanned the globe. If we consider the cost of advertising today with any media platform it would be fair to say that the ISIS show is a multi-billion dollar marketing campaign that the U.S. created terror group is getting for free. That alone should wake readers up to the magnitude of this ISIS story being told predominantly since the summer of 2014. This should also help others realize how important the new world order is to the globalists who are using ISIS as a tool to advance their plans for world domination.
Since ISIS now represents one of the greatest hopes for the new world order, no one should be surprised that they are getting such incredible multi-billion dollar promotion and marketing effort. And no one should be surprised by the continued super marketing campaign the terror group will continue to get from CNN and the other CIA front media organizations. The reality of the matter is now becoming crystal clear to many – and is quite clear to those who had been paying attention all along – that without CNN’s and the rest of the mainstream media’s careful HD high quality coverage and glorification of the organization there will be no new world order.
So for now, arm yourself with knowledge, study the origins of ISIS, and see the truth about this fake terror group whose only purpose is to serve as a tool to advance the PNAC new world order plans. Once you see their role in the bigger picture you will probably never not see it again. Then as you do your part to expose this reality show, sit back and take note of this real-time reality show – It has a lot of money behind it, it has a sense of adventure, shock, irony, and it knows no boundaries in terms of believability.
Clearly the ISIS show has emerged as one of the central surreal psyop events of the century, and that alone makes it deserving of our individual attention. Let’s pay attention and consider some solutions.
We must think in multiple dimensions when dealing with government psychological operations. Realize that as human beings we have to maintain simultaneous awareness of the greater (conspiratorial) picture, while at the same time maintaining an effective awareness of the real-time (matrix) deception that many people are still under. This will give us an operating dual consciousness – one mentally placing one foot in each side of the matrix. That allows us to tactfully, patiently and carefully wake others up from the ISIS show (in this case) and into the simple truth of the emerging, determined super fast moving globalist new world order plans.
For those who are wide awakened let’s realize that it is up to us to continue exposing the ISIS show at any cost. Let us prepare for the soon to be repeating future. Remember that the globalists like to repeat their tactics. Just look at the similarities between JFK and 9/11. Keep in mind the two events were about 40 years apart, yet the mindset, the script, and the propaganda logic behind the two events were the same, coming from the same primitive predictable minds.
I believe it is more important to focus on putting out solutions and ideas that appeal and resonate with those who get it not those who don’t get it. Worrying about those who still don’t get it could be a trap and energy/time waster because truth is realized.
Those who are still asleep will either realize the ISIS show or they will seek out the ending to the show and logically continue to try to rationalize it into their reality.
The RESTORED version of humanity, which is what many of us are, should pursue perfection, improvement and should strive to thrive. That’s right. The “restored” version of humanity means that you have been mentally rescued from the great human self-experiment propagated by the controllers. The species has been mentally enslaved for very long and you are awakened from that enslavement. As with any disease, those that are disease-free only look to care for those still diseased, not take on their disease. If the disease is mental, where the subject could represent a threat to you, (just as in medicine/psychiatry) the best thing to do is to isolate the subject. Similarly, in this case it is up to those who are awakened to intellectually isolate those who are still diseased by the deception and mental enslavement. Nurture them when possible with care (timely information) but don’t burden yourself with their disease (of not understanding or not accepting the truth outside their personal paradigm and illusions).
Part of practicing solutions is knowing how to deal with disinformation agents and those who are part of the system and thus part of the problem. Both those who are fooled and those who spread deliberate lies and disinformation on behalf of the control system suffer from a disease of mental enslavement. They are infected by their circumstances which may include the pressure to go along with the government paradigm for fear of losing their job, the offer of money and riches, government and CIA’s mainstream media mind control, etc.
So, in the end, it all comes down to mental enslavement versus mental freedom. Mental enslavement is the key to going along with the stories we’re told by CIA’s mainstream media and is the key to leading us to their new world order. Mental freedom, on the other hand, is the state humanity is in when it realizes, just like all the creatures on the planet, that it is free to express whatever it wants and be whatever nature leads it into being. This “freedom” and the quest to express this simple freedom is truly the story of humanity. The perception of being free can thus become the obstacle to actually being free as George Orwell outlines in his novel Animal Farm. This false perception of freedom in combination with learned helplessness thus accounts for the perpetual struggle to be free. True freedom therefore consists of the combination of perceiving that one is free plus ACTUALLY being free from the control system. This final stage of true freedom cannot be reached without the understanding of what it is to be truly (mentally) free. The ISIS show is nothing more than an obstacle to that understanding, an obstacle which utilizes the fear factor, one of the greatest historic tools for keeping humanity mentally enslaved and disconnected from the concept of freedom.
Bernie is a revolutionary writer with a background in medicine, psychology, and information technology. He has written numerous articles over the years about freedom, government corruption and conspiracies, and solutions. A former host of the 9/11 Freefall radio show, Bernie is also the creator of the Truth and Art TV project where he shares articles and videos about issues that raise our consciousness and offer solutions to our current problems. His efforts are designed to encourage others to joyfully stand for truth, to expose government tactics of propaganda, fear and deception, and to address the psychology of dealing with the rising new world order. He is also a former U.S. Marine who believes it is our duty to stand for and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. A peace activist, he believes information and awareness is the first step toward being free from enslavement from the globalist control system which now threatens humanity. He believes love conquers all fear and it is up to each and every one of us to manifest the solutions and the change that you want to see in this world, because doing this is the very thing that will ensure victory and restoration of the human race from the rising global enslavement system, and will offer hope to future generations.