Is The New World Order Dying? 10 Recent Headlines Offer Hope
by Bernie Suarez, Activist Post.com:
We know the saying, you either see a glass half empty or half full. Your attitude, mindset and expectations guide your perceptions which in turn will guide your stated views and opinions of the world you live in. That said, depending on how you view the world one might make an argument for why the new world order is slowly dying out.
Perhaps I’m being overly optimistic or perhaps my intuition is correct on this one. One thing I strongly believe: humanity is not designed to live in false government paradigms of slavery and statism. Those who live for government and the state will hold these beliefs, but nature and the rest of humanity tells another story. Humanity naturally yearns to be free of all control systems. Though a certain percentage of humanity actually needs and wants to be under the control of government, this segment of humanity only wishes this because they know nothing else and they are afraid of a stateless world where they might have to care for themselves. For now, let’s set aside these individuals who live in fear and need the state to be part of their lives, and let’s focus instead on the rest of humanity who is awakened. Let’s realize how amazing, gifted and how blessed we are as humans, and how natural it is to be free.
For those of us who have moved past the modern-day mental enslavement at the hands of the control system, it is much easier to see the victories being chalked up by humanity with every day that goes by. For those of us who are committed to viewing the world in a positive way, it is not very difficult to glance at some of the recent headlines and see where once again there are signs that show that new world order globalist elite plan at global enslavement may be postponed indefinitely. That is, the new world order is failing even though they are very much fighting back and doing everything they can to continue pushing their plan forward.
Here are just 10 recent stories that indicate the new world order could in fact be slowly dying out. These 10 stories barely scratch the surface of things that are happening at the local level everywhere in the U.S. and around the world. People really are beginning to realize that the wealthy elites and governments are the root of the problem. People are realizing how corrupt they are and how they intend to enslave us all forever. Many people are starting to see the bigger picture and this is driving a new consciousness.
1 – Baltimore cops criminally charged
Not long ago in America we saw multiple cases where police murdered unarmed civilians. From Michael Brown to Eric Garner, for months we’ve seen injustice as police literally get away with cold-blooded murder. For a change, however, we are now seeing multiple police officers profiled before America as ordinary criminals. Finally we are building the courage here in the U.S. to confront police homicide. We are finally willing to see a person for what they are without a badge distorting your perception of the truth.
Slowly the paradigm shift of judging police for their actions is headed in the direction of becoming the norm. Yes we have a long way to go, but we are headed in the right direction.
2 – Montana passes law to nullify militarization of police
In Montana Governor Steve Bullock signed a law essentially protecting the state of Montana from becoming an arm of the federal government and being given military equipment. House bill 330 protects the independence of Montana’s law enforcement. How big a paradigm shift is this? This is a direct result of humanity waking up to the police state which is a big part of the new world order plans.
A law like this would never have been considered were it not for the expanding and noticeable militarized police state. Americans everywhere are now seeing the end result of a violent police state which attacks with immunity. People everywhere are sick and tired of the videos and images showing police in military gear, tanks, and unnecessary weapons. These images imprint in our minds and eventually carry over to action.
3 – Jade Helm cancelled in parts of Colorado and Texasafter strong opposition
Bad enough that operation Jade Helm is occurring right here in the U.S. starting this July. The good news is that in a short period of time the military operation has received so much attention that already we’re seeing cancellations in certain parts of Texas and Colorado. If there is any silver lining it is that when enough people speak out someone will listen.
4 – Not enough votes in Congress to reauthorize Patriot Act
Will the Patriot Act actually go away? Who knows, but even if it doesn’t go away now, think of how many more people are now aware that perhaps it’s time to say goodbye to the Patriot Act. Only time will tell what eventually happens with the Patriot Act. According to Michigan Congressman Justin Amash there are not enough votes. It is not difficult to see that the longstanding pushback against the Patriot Act is definitely there and may be finally coming to fruition.
Should the Patriot Act finally go away, it would be a huge blow to the new world order plans. For that reason we should expect strong opposition to the idea of not renewing the Act.
5 – Polls show young Americans are skeptical of Global Warming
Even in 2015, the year of the planned return of the “global warming” hoax theme disguised under the “climate change” banner, it may appear the young generation is not fooled by the global elite climate religion agenda concocted in the late 1950s and initiated in the 1960s by the Club of Rome. Despite that the climate change movement is in full gear this year, people are holding on to their common sense, critical thinking and rational thought and have not fallen for the agenda. Anyone can clearly see that the Climate Change hoax completely ignores the greatest threat to the planet and that is the planned, documented and carried out geoengineering spaying of our planet. As humanity watches in horror as our blue skies and fluffy white clouds turn to nasty feathery linear tic-tac-toe skies, the climate change hoaxer watches in a silence of betrayal, not willing to say a word to expose the 150 patents the Department of Defense has for spraying our skies. That youngsters are on to some of this and/or are not buying the global warming lie is another sign that we are headed in the right direction in terms of overall human consciousness and awakening, thus bad news for the new world order.
6 – Chipotle Mexican Grill becomes first fast food restaurant to reject GMOs.
A clear blow to the new world order and Monsanto, a company very much at the core of most genetic engineering of food. Chipotle Mexican Grill is now the first of many other fast food chains who will hopefully do the same. Soon we hope to see a trend of other restaurant chains dropping GMOs all together. I expect that consumer demand may play a role in making Genetically Modified Organism food obsolete. As time goes by more and more people are finding out about the dangers of GMOs. People are now becoming familiar with the Seralini studies which proved the cancer-causing risk of GMO foods. Soon, many millions more will start to think about GMOs as a result of this decision by Chipotle. Another example of how Monsanto and the new world order may be losing its tight grip on humanity.
7 – 30,000 doctors in Argentina demand ban of Monsanto’s glyphosate
As with the Chipotle story, that 30,000-plus doctors are willing to get together to try and make a difference in their country is remarkable and could present another death blow to Monsanto who makes glyphosate. Let’s not forget that every victory to ban GMOs is a huge victory against the new world order. Hopefully in the coming years we will see more action like this taken by other countries.
8 – TPP opposition growing. Obama increasingly frustrated
Obama’s super secret Trans Pacific Partnership agreement is struggling. People are quickly deducing that secret = bad. No good plan is held in secret from the public and nothing good could even come out of a plan that undermines individual sovereignty globally. We can expect opposition to the TPP to only grow. Now is the time to get familiar with TPP and all that is happening surrounding this weird international secret trade agreement. The TPP is also integral to the new world order plans, therefore let us keep fighting to expose this.
9 – Obama’s own brother says Barack is a ruthless, cold, deceitful liar
This story may seem like an odd one to include here but is it really? Foreign born Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Obama, has been exposed as a fraud since before he was elected in 2008 when many things about his past first came out. So why is this story important? And how is this a sign that the new world order could be crumbling? Because throughout history brothers of the sitting president don’t usually come out and boldly tell the world their own brother is a liar, and a ruthless person. Unfortunately, the magnitude of this story is actually distorted by today’s controlled mainstream media; but keep in mind, at any other time in American history this may be the top story in the nation or top story of the year. But in a nation deeply tangled in a cesspool of lies, deceit and propaganda, many Obama supporters see this headline and think nothing of it.
10 – CIA/CNN puts out major ISIS psyop report, no one cares!
I covered some of this in my April 2015 report exposing a CNN report by Evan Perez who apparently delivers an entirely false and unreliable/unbelievable ISIS report. But, more importantly, and bad news for the new world order plans, no one seems to care about the ISIS show. Americans everywhere have finally given up on the ISIS show. They are immune to fear, and government uses ‘fear’ to push their agendas. Without the effectiveness of fear the new world order plans are arguably in severe jeopardy.
What we are seeing now is the CIA pushing their staged reports through mainstream media (particularly CNN), each ISIS script is intended to keep ISIS going – that is, prolong the existence of ISIS.
Paradigm Shift and the Saying Goodbye to the NWO
Americans everywhere and people all around the world should be seeing the glass half full, because it is half full. The new world order really is dying out, but it is dying out slowly. It’s dying out slowly because there are more of us than there are of them. It’s dying out because people have had enough. It’s dying out because people are using the power of the Internet to look things up and they are confirming the truth about who we are and our political world. They are finding out that government ONLY operates via “conspiracy”. They are realizing that conspiracy is the norm not some special category which needs special consideration. This global realization is part of the paradigm shift we are all experiencing.
This global paradigm shift does not, however, prevent the control system from continuing their attempt to march toward a new world order of global tyranny. Nothing will stop this control system except the expiration date they are all on now. Everything that they are doing will expire at some point. Soldiers who are part of the system will all have to make a moral decision to either follow illegal orders or to follow their conscience. There are too many factors contributing to the slow death of the new world order to mention here. Their death is real and we should keep focused on this slow process in order to remind ourselves to keep fighting the good fight and that everything we do to make others more aware is paying off.
Here’s to a dying system.