Hell hath no fury like Uncle Sam scorned: China, Russia, India and Burmese Bombs! Radio Sinoland
from Jeff Brown:
China, Russia & India, Family Style http://44days.net/?p=2493 : Eurasia’s world stage this last two weeks. Starting in Moscow for the big WWII Victory Parade, to Indian Prime Minister’s visit to China, the West, and Uncle Sam in particular, have only one imperial response to the ever growing Sino-Russo-Indian alliance: threats and intimidation. This show will give you all the details. It is a fast 13 minutes, so buckle up.
The CIA is dropping Burmese bombs on China http://44days.net/?p=2498 Which is Latin for, “Who benefits?”. Only one organization gets anything out of sending bombs across the border from Myanmar, into China: America’s CIA. This show will give you all the details. It is a fast 11 minutes, so buckle up.