Battleground Eurasia: US Uses ‘Agents of Chaos’ Against Russia, China, Iran
by Sputnik, Global Research.com:
If you think that conflicts in Ukraine or the Middle East, including Yemen, Libya, Iraq and Syria, are not interconnected, you are sorely mistaken, insists award-winning author and geopolitical analyst Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, adding that these wars are all part of a “multi-dimensional war, being waged by the US and its allies.”
The destructive campaign is aimed at encircling Eurasia, with Russia, China and Iran as the main targets, Nazemroaya stated in a piece for the Strategic Culture Foundation. The United States plans to take out Tehran and Moscow first and then is expected to proceed to Beijing, the expert is convinced.
The US wages the war with the help of what Nazemroaya called “agents of chaos”. The expert named Islamic State, also known as ISIL, as a striking example.
“These agents of chaos are unleashing different waves of constructive chaos to prevent Eurasian integration and a world order that is free of US dictates,” the analyst explained.
Nazemroaya described the group, notorious for its brutality, as “a loosely knit band of militias” active in the Middle East and beyond.
“Included in [the Islamic State’s] network are groups from the Caucasus, which have been fighting in Syria and Iraq,” Nazemroaya said, adding that some ISIL fighters are currently fighting in Ukraine and intend to use it “as a steppingstone into Europe.”
As diverse as the “agents of chaos” are, there is a “connection between the violent, racist, xenophobic, and sectarian forces” unleashed to destabilize Eurasia, the analyst said.
“Whether they know it or not, these deviant forces, whether they are the ultra-nationalist [Right Sector] militias in Ukraine or the head-cutting gangs of Al-Nusra and [ISIL] in Syria and Iraq, all serve one master,” Nazemroaya pointed out, saying that they also have the same enemies.
The analyst warned that the United States will also wage its war on India. “The ‘constructive chaos’ that is being unleashed in Eurasia will eventually wreak havoc in India. If New Delhi thinks that it will be left alone, it is foolishly mistaken,” he said.
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