Ukrainian complaint: Russia persists in illegally feeding Donbass civilians
from Wake Up From Your Slumber.com:
Russia persists in unlawfully feeding the civilians of Donbass — Ukrainian Border Patrol The Russian Federation does not respond to Ukraine’s complaints to stop illegally supplying Donbass with “the so-called humanitarian aid.” — press secretary Oleg Slobodan on “Channel 12 Ukraine.” “The Federal Border Guard Service of the Russian Federation stated that this is not within its competence. They do not respond to calls to terminate the humconvoys.” The Ukrainian Border Patrol insists on channeling the humconvoys through official checkpoints. We note that today the 24th column of humanitarian aid departed the suburbs of Moscow for Donbass. This is only a fraction of the trucks that will be part of the sequence of columns in the Rostov Oblast. As part of the 23rd Russian convoy, there were 1.4 thousand tons of cargo, which went in equal shares to Donetsk and Lugansk. Notwithstanding that the Ukrainian Border Service (UBS) participates fully in customs clearance of the cargo, in the UBS they assert that they just conduct a visual inspection, but that some of the load is “dangerous cargo:” herbicides, fertilizer, and foaming agents. More than once the Ukrainian Foreign Office has demanded that Russia not send humanitarian convoys to Donbass, calling it “humanitarian contraband.” Yet many observers, including representatives of western media, state there have been many instances of death from hunger in the zone of conflict, a fact that especially applies in the smaller towns and villages.
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