Iran: US Aircraft supplied money and arms to the Islamic State
The aircraft of the USAF regular flights to airports controlled by the Islamic State supplying weapons, money and power to terrorists, said Sunday the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Iran, Hasan Firuzabadi.
from Veterans Today.com:
TEHRAN, April 18. / Correspondent. Alexander Levchenko TASS /. US Air Force planes make regular flights to airports, controlled by terrorists “Islamic State” (IG), bringing back weapons, money and food. With such a statement was made today by Chief of General Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces Major General Hassan Firuzabadi in an interview with a number of Iranian media.
“We have received reports that American planes to land and take off from airports controlled IG” – quoted him as saying the agency Fars.
“The United States should not supply weapons, money and food group” Islamic State “, and then apologize for what they supposedly did it by mistake. The Americans say in words what they want to confront the IG. And in fact, we see other – they are watching and carry out reconnaissance, “- says Firuzabadi.
Expressing forecast that “in the near future brutal wave of terrorism engulf both the US and Europe,” Firuzabadi stressed that “people around the world have to fight terrorism and protect the right to life, and not to provide weapons to terrorists and enormous resources, What has been done IG highest paying fighting armed groups in the world. “
“If the United States honest in their assurances that they are not contributing to the creation of the IG, they can easily overcome this terrorist group. And we hope that the US and British governments will fight against the IG, at least for the sake of their own people,” – said the Chief of Staff Iran’s armed forces.
“The aircraft of the USAF regular flights to airports controlled by the Islamic State supplying weapons, money and power to terrorists, said Sunday the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Iran, Hasan Firuzabadi.We have received reports that American planes landing and taking off from the Islamic State controlled airports,” said Hassan Firuzabadi quoted by TASS .
“The US should not supply weapons, money and food to the Islamic state” and then apologize for having done so, presumably by mistake. The Americans have said they want word to confront the EI but what we see is actually that are only carrying out a military reconnaissance “Firuzabadi said.
“If the United States are honest when they say it did not contribute to the creation of the Islamic State will easily defeat this terrorist group,” said the general.
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