Fighting the Battle Against Mainstream Media Disinformation is Fighting Against War
from Global Research.com:
Dear Global Research Readers,
The US has been waging war with its allies in Syria and Iraq for a while now. Yemen has also become a battle field, where war for democracy is being waged by… monarchies. Mahdi Nazemroaya highlights the irony of the situation:
“The House of Saud and a military coalition that consists mostly of anachronistic monarchies are claiming to bomb Yemen as a means of saving the Yemenite people and their transition to democracy. The irony should not be lost on observers that recognize that the Saudi-led coalition — consisting of the Kingdom of Morocco, UAE, Kuwait, Kingdom of Bahrain, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Qatar, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia itself — is comprised of an unhealthy mixture of backward family dictatorships and corrupt governments that essentially are the antithesis of democracy.” (The War on Yemen: Where Oil and Geopolitics Mix)
Will there now be war with Russia?
Whenever Russia, China or North Korea conduct military exercises, the mainstream media presents them as a threat to peace. What we are never told, however, is that the U.S. and its NATO allies are holding this kind of exercise almost on a daily basis around the globe, but mostly on Russia’s doorstep. You can see for yourself the extent to which NATO is preparing for war against Russia through selections of articles compiled by Rick Rozoff like US-NATO “Defensive” Military Initiatives and War Games Threaten Russia and Preparing for War with Russia? NATO War Games “Joint Warrior” in Scotland: 13,000 Troops, 54 Warships, 70 Planes, Submarines.
In this context, it is worth recalling the adoption by the U.S. Congress of an important legislation back in December 2014.
The adoption of a major piece of legislation by the US House of Representatives on December 4th (H. Res. 758) would provide (pending a vote in the Senate) a de facto green light to the US president and commander in chief to initiate –without congressional approval– a process of military confrontation with Russia.
Global security is at stake. This historic vote –which potentially could affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people Worldwide– has received virtually no media coverage. A total media blackout prevails. (Michel Chossudovsky, America is on a “Hot War Footing”: House Legislation Paves the Way for War with Russia?)
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