War in Ukraine: Propaganda Lies and Casualties
While cleaning the ruins of the Donetsk Airport, New Russia military forces discovered in the rubble 16 Ukrainian soldiers. Initially, there were about 30 of them. However, only 16 survived. The rest died waiting for aid promised by their commanders. But help did not come. Each of them received a solar powered recorder with a prayer.
For some time, I wondered why the Ukrainian army and the so-called volunteer battalions shoot regular grandparents, women or children playing outside. The most frequent answer is that they are just complete out of mind neo-Nazi, who don’t care to much for people’s life. However, this answer was not enough for me. So I just started looking for an answer. Here’s what I discovered.
Captured Ukrainian soldier is speaking on you tube interview about failed attack of Ukrainian army at Donetsk Airport: ‘They said our troops were in the terminal and we have to evacuate our wounded, we went there to evacuate the wounded, but appeared that there were no wounded at all and we were sent on the offensive. If we only knew were going on the offensive, cause we refused to attack many times. When we were told where we were going that we were going on the offensive nobody went. And here they actually went – a company was said there would be no offensive they only had to evacuate the wounded.’
On the Fort Russ also quite interesting interview with Ukrainian army deserter has appeared: ‘There is practically no support from the Ministry of Defence. 90% of support comes from volunteers. If it weren’t for volunteers, everyone would run for home. They simply think they are better off at war than at home. Plus they are being paid for it, which is something they would not receive at their village’.
‘The people who serve are those who had nowhere else to go. Those who have no work and have nowhere to live. And that’s 90% of the Ukrainian Army. People who understand what is happening are doing their best to avoid service. ‘The military leadership does not tell the soldiers anything. The soldiers simply shoot but don’t see where their bullets and shells land. They are told to shoot, so they do. They are not told what the target is, only its coordinates. And they do not know what effect their fire has’.
The last quote would respond to the question why the Ukrainian soldiers shoot at civilians. However, this picture of deceived, manipulated and sent as cannon fodder, the so-called Ukrainian army consisting of unemployed, shopkeepers and factory workers does not completely coincide with what my countryman Tomasz Maciejczuk wrote – Open Dialog Foundation volunteer. Mr Thomas sends, to fighting Ukrainians on the front, warm underwear, warm jackets, winter boots, etc. Being on the front line, he reports every day to Polish media and on his Facebook about the situation of Ukrainian army. I wouldn’t’ write about him if not the fact that his narrative correlates with the official narrative of mainstream Polish media and politicians.
Notes from his Facebook:
‘Cyborgs do not want to give up. They prefer to die than return to slavery. Volunteer battalions in conversations with me declare their willingness to go to the relief of their colleagues who are surrounded in the basement of the airport. They say it is better to die fighting trying to help the heroes, than to look at the second Ilovaisk. Terrible atmosphere … fall of airport could lead to the collapse of Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko. Armed citizens of Ukraine have had enough of false ceasefire.’Ukrainians defending the airport say goodbye to their families by phone. They probably do not give up to be taken alive. Glory to Ukrainian heroes! ‘
‘Poroshenko … give orders, the soldiers are waiting! I haven’t met any Ukrainian soldier, who supports a ceasefire. They want to win this war and return to normal life.’
So we have a schizophrenic situation in which, on the one hand, we have captured Ukrainian soldiers by the separatists, who say in the interviews that they did not know that they were bombing civilians. They claim that they were forced to carry out orders, or cheated by the command. On the other hand, we have Mr Thomas Maciejczuk, who writes on his Facebook something like that: ‘Poroshenko … give orders, the soldiers are waiting! I haven’t met any Ukrainian soldier supporting a ceasefire.
So where is the truth?