Kingsman: The Secret Service – The Ultimate Conspiracy Film?

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by Jay Dyer, via 21st Century Wire.com

(Spoiler Alert)

My date anday Dyer I witnessed an interesting display this evening at the cinema – a bevy of ads for the new Hollywood blockbusters that contained one peculiar revelation that would relate to the feature film.  

An “Intel Inside” ad for the latest market processor appeared – it seemed normal enough, yet I recalled something ominous: “Intel inside” is whispered to be a kind of inside joke, as there have been reports the software contains backdoor technology for NSA spying.  This notion is now standard fare post-Snowden, yet the connection to the film’s plot would prove revealing.  And no, I am not saying there was some deep conspiracy in the fact that the commercial preceded the film.  Rather, virtually all ads, just like film and music, are now common vehicles for predictive programming, as readers here are well aware.

Thus, when Kingsman came on, I was surprised that such a seemingly silly film would be one of the most revealing of late, comparable to Captain America: Winter Soldier, in terms of revealing the real plan of the technocratic cryptocracy.

Kingsman centers around a young British chav-ish thug named “Eggsy” recruited into a secret service comparable to MI6 (yet more secret) by Galahad (Colin Firth) that functions something like Mission Impossible, busy saving the “free world” from international villains.  Full of numerous references to classic spy novels, the film is satirical with its lighthearted approach to itself making it bearable.  I was reminded of the insightful (yet box-office failure) 1998 film, The Avengers, where the plot once again revolved around global villains using atmospheric weapons to control the globe. With Kingsman, it’s much more sophisticated (juxtaposed with humor).

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