
Bibi’s Hatred And Fear Mongering Goes Viral

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by Allen Roland, via Veterans Today.com

Holding on to hatred eventually poisons the instigator and they eventually become exactly what they are railing against and in this case Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has become the embodiment of everything he despises and distrusts with Iran ~ and in the process it becomes obvious that Israel is fast becoming the very same rogue undeclared nuclear, fascist, deceptive and evil state that Netanyahu has been warning the world against: Allen L Roland, Ph.D

“Holding on to anger or hatred is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die” ~ Buddha 

The world is rapidly changing and Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu refuses to accept it and instead rides his nuclear armed war chariot of fear, isolation and deception against a growing wave of altruism and social cooperation ~ which are the driving forces of evolution.

Bibi’s problem is he believes that peace cannot be maintained without regional dominance and military power and he sees it slipping away and is determined to maintain that old world order at any cost ~ even Israel’s important ties with the United  States.

netanyahu2Netanyahu’s recent chutzpah moment at joint meeting of U.S Congress

The problem is that consummate liar Bibi does not have a credible moral leg to stand on and is increasingly becoming the highly visible rogue threat he is warning the world against ~ a world that is increasingly tired of war and conflict and seeks a far more positive choice of altruism and social cooperation particularly with the growing universal threat of climate change.

Bibi’s deceptive showboat chutzpah moment speaking to Congress was a desperate attempt to not only hold on to power but to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world that is committed to co-existence and increasingly getting tired of his deceptive message of fear, retaliation, separation and hatred.

The New York Times correctly writes today ~ In our view, Mr. Netanyahu has consistently used these nuclear false alarms and outlandish claims both to serve his domestic political maneuvering and to create a smoke screen that relegates the Palestinian question to the margins. We have noted how his rhetoric has intensified in proportion to the international pressure on Israel to stop the settlement activity and end the occupation of the Palestinian territory… The paradox of the situation is that a government that has built a stockpile of nuclear weapons, rejected calls to establish a nuclear-weapons-free zone in the Middle East, made military incursions into neighboring states and flouted international law by keeping the lands of other nations under occupation now makes such a big fuss over a country, Iran, that has not invaded another country since America became a sovereign nation…. and During the quarter-century that Mr. Netanyahu and his allies have tried to keep Iran’s nuclear program at the forefront of the global agenda, they increased the number of illegal settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to more than 750,000 from about 300,000.”   New York Times Op Ed

Here’s what the Tehran Times had to say about Bibi’s speech ~ “What was surprising and painful was the U.S. Legislators applauded repeatedly for a man whose mind is obsessed with hatred and his criminal record (Gaza and Palestine) are obvious to the entire world. American politicians and people should realize that their country is a victim of Israeli atrocities in the Middle East ~ the September 11 attacks of 2001 are a clear example. Israeli policies in the middle East have been fueling terrorism and extremism in the region ~ and since this Israeli regime is backed by the U.S. ~ terrorists seek every opportunity to vent their anger on American citizens.”

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