Ron Paul: US, NATO must stay OUT of Ukraine
Former American presidential candidate Ron Paul says it will be in the best interest of the Ukrainian people if all foreign entities, including the United States and NATO states, stay out of the country.
The former Texas congressman made the remarks during a speech at the International Students for Liberty Conference in Washington on Friday, following a video address by NSA surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden.
“Crimea is not exactly a foreign country, according to the Russians. But I’m neutral on that,” he said, referring to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which declared independence from Ukraine and officially became part of the Russian territory in March last year.
Ties between Washington and Moscow deteriorated last year after pro-Western forces ousted Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014.
Paul said last year that the government of Yanukovych had been replaced in a “fascist coup” and that its subsequent military moves against rebels were legal.
Paul stated that Ukraine should focus on its economic situation and external debt in order to improve itself.