Pro-9/11-Truth Director Denied “Best Film” at Oscars
by Kevin Barrett, via Veterans Today.com:
Who is the best working director in America today?
If you ask the usual Hollywood suspects, they’ll give you a top-ten list featuring the usual Hollywood schlockmeisters. Sure, some are good at what they do. A few have occasionally produced breakthrough works of cinematic art. But even the “best filmmakers in Hollywood” tend to keep their heads firmly ensconced in Hollywood – that “plastic asshole of the universe” in the immoral words of William Faulkner.
As far as I can tell, there are only two genuinely great American directors: David Lynch and Richard Linklater – and both are 9/11 truthers. Their greatness is in direct proportion to their willingness to tell Hollywood to stick its Oscars where the sun don’t shine. By supporting 9/11 truth, Linklater and Lynch are pointedly refusing Hollywood’s illusion du reel – its orchestrated obliteration of the audience’s ability to discern the difference between cheesy mythic fantasy and actual reality, in politics and social life as well as in the movies.
So I wasn’t really surprised when Linklater, a major force for 9/11 truth in Hollywood, was denied an Oscar for Boyhood, a movie that kicks the Hollywood style up and down Hollywood Boulevard and then punts it all the way to Texas, burns it to the ground, and reconstitutes filmmaking from the ground up as something far more beautiful and infinitely more real than anything ever dreamed of by the Plastic Assholians.
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